Leading companies partner with Flo to deliver logistics solutions that leverage the best of standard software and modern best practices
Going beyond systems implementation to ensure you get the right solution
We understand that when implementing a system companies want a partner not a provider.
As logisticians we bring a deep understanding of the logistics function. Our team build integrated solutions, on-time and on-budget, that deliver against functional and technical requirements as well as providing for operational improvement and financial return. We continuously develop our partnerships with leading technology providers to ensure the best results for our clients.
Implementing any new system requires a detailed understanding of processes and systems. Using the following steps we are able to rapidly assess your requirements and identify the key drivers for a successful project:

We assign a dedicated project management team for the whole implementation process. This ensures consistency and drives the project forwards. Our experienced project managers resolve any issues that arise and liaise with third party suppliers to safeguard successful integration.

Business Case
With decades of experience leading logistics projects and transformations across industry sectors, we are uniquely positioned to help with the development and organisation of business cases. If you are looking to secure funding and resources to optimise logistics leverage our best practice and industry knowledge to make clearer proposals. We will be able to help scope the project, quantify benefits and define project stages to ensure ROI goals.
- Specify business requirements
- Diagnose solutions

- Considering systems and processes we design the desired solution, uses and integrations
- Involvement of key stakeholders
- Identify project phases and ROI stages
- Diagnose solutions
- Begin building the solution to meet your requirements, process and workflow

- The solution will be deployed and go-live
- Adjust for optimised performance
- Benefit realisation
Support & Enhance
- Education, training and managed services will be provided
- Implement enhancements incrementally in an agile way

Warehouse Management System
Warehouses can no longer be considered as static storage locations, they need to be integrated with the wider supply chain. Our experts take a holistic view when improving global warehouse efficiency, we focus on processes and transformation through warehouse management systems implementation.

Flo bring together a dedicated support team, unique tooling and service expertise to provide carefree solutions. It includes comprehensive 24/7 application support / managed services, system-ready master data, simplified data and configuration management and automated testing.

Evaluate your supply chain and achieve world class performance
We understand supply chains. Our 6Ps model (People, Process, Place, Partners, Platform and Performance) identifies the starting point for transformation, helping you drive towards optimised performance and leverage the most value from modern technologies.

Get the most out of your investment in technology
Our accelerators help you maximise ROI enabling faster go-lives and streamlining ongoing processes. Based on experience, we provide solution templates, as well as tools and services for master data management, configuration management and automated testing.