Flo consulting and advisory services help companies move forward
with supply chain and logistics initiatives.
Evaluate your supply chains and achieve world class performance
Our dedicated specialists and change management experts have an average of 10 years experience working with some of the most complex global supply chains. With our advice and support companies are able to benchmark and improve performance, drive forward new programmes and ensure the right technologies are deployed to meet their requirements.
Business Discovery
Our Business Discovery allows you to determine the priorities of the overall environment in which the business operates.
Note that these priorities tend to change over time so it is important to understand the up to date business environment as a context for logistics transformation.
It measures:
- Growth / Consolidation – is the business in an expansion phase or consolidating?
- Profitability – is revenue development and market share a higher priority than pure profit?
- Service / Cost to Serve – is improving service for customers a priority or balanced with costs to serve?
- CSR / Sustainability – how high a priority does the business give corporate and social responsibility?
- Planning horizon – is the focus on long term strategic, medium tactical or short term operational change?
- Competition – how competitive is the industry in which the business operates?
- Legislation – does legislative compliance dominate thinking or is it business as usual?
- Geography – are we looking at global operations or just a specific geography?
- In / Out Sourced – is logistics primarily outsourced or managed in house?
- Network Scope – are we considering multiple facilities across the supply chain or just a subset?

6 Ps Future Supply Chain Operating Model
Our 6Ps model identifies a starting point for change and leverage the most value from the best of modern technology solutions.
After defining the priorities within your business, we will assess the following 6 pillars of supply chain in the business and how we define target business benefits and drivers that influence them:
- People – logistics team structure and skillset
- Process – logistics processes
- Place – logistics physical network and structure
- Partners – logistics service provider and technology partners
- Platform – logistics information systems, technology and data
- Performance – logistics performance indicators and values
These are assessed against industry best practices in supply chains to determine the key areas for improvement to raise the overall level of supply chain maturity.
Future Supply Chain Appraisal Summary
Our Future Supply Chain Appraisal Summary will determine the best practice gaps and where the greatest business value will be derived.
This is used to prioritise projects that can deliver the greatest return and where short term rapid return projects can help fund long term change projects.
During the workshops we will identify a number of improvement opportunities which we will position in the Future Supply Chain Appraisal Summary matrix:

Future Supply Chain Appraisal Summary Matrix Example
Benefits Realisation Road Map

Going beyond systems implementation to ensure you get the right solution
We bring the right mix of technical, functional and solution integration expertise to deliver your solution. Our team work with you to understand your business, processes and system requirements identifying the drivers for success. We are delivering projects of all sizes across all continents.

Focus on running your business rather than maintaining applications
Flo brings together a dedicated support team, unique tooling and service expertise to provide carefree solutions. It includes comprehensive 24/7 application support / managed services, system-ready master data, simplified data and configuration management and automated testing.

Get the most out of your investment in technology
Our accelerators help you maximise ROI enabling faster go-lives and streamlining ongoing processes. Based on experience, we provide solution templates, as well as tools and services for master data management, configuration management and automated testing.